What is the series “The Handmaid’s Tale” about

An unexpectedly deep and dark fantasy series depicts the consequences of the military taking power in a fictional country and establishing a totalitarian theocratic regime.

It should be noted that the series is very boring, very… practically all events are shown in gloomy, dark interiors, exacerbating the already horrible picture of life in a new totalitarian society.

Recounting the plot of the series makes no sense—it is clear from the first episode. And some events against the backdrop of the madness raging in real life may seem not so fantastic.

The series has everything: the duplicity of Commanders (the elite of the new society); faith turned into aggressive fanaticism; the subjugation of Handmaids (women who have not lost the ability to bear children); constant surveillance by Eyes (special agents); and the fanatical compliance of Aunts (leaders of Handmaids).

It is still very difficult, practically impossible, to imagine that the events in the series could hypothetically materialize in real Russia! However, Europe and the United States have already taken steps toward such a world, a world of distorted logic and false ideals, with its “new reality,” the BLM movement, the mass psychosis of the “deadly virus,” duplicity elevated to the rank of official government policy.

One of the ways of subjugation and humiliation chosen by the authors of the series is the non-medical mask (how symbolic), which deprives a person of the ability to speak. In the series, it is put on those who do not follow the established order, violate behavioral rules, and break the law. In this case, only the eyes, filled with horror and fear of the unknown, express the person’s real state. An open face, emotions, facial expressions—signs of freedom—are not acceptable in a totalitarian society.

The true names of Handmaids are carefully erased from their memory, they are prohibited, in order to completely suppress the feeling of identity. Women are called by the name of their Commander, for whom they must bear children. If his name is Fred, then the woman becomes Fred’s, Glen—Glen’s, and so on. Now Handmaids belong only to their Commander, and the sole meaning is to create new lives for the benefit of society. After fulfilling their mission – giving birth to a child – the Handmaid is assigned to the household of another childless Commander, and her name accordingly changes.

The life of Handmaids is presented as a powerless existence for a woman, used only for giving birth to a child and the pleasure of the male elite. The series is filmed very carefully in this regard, without excesses, but definitely falls into the 18+ category.

The events of the series echo the general message of Orwell’s novel “1984,” and this has an explanation: Margaret Atwood, the author of the novel “The Handmaid’s Tale,” admitted that George Orwell’s anti-utopia “1984” had a huge influence on her. Even a new language has been created. Well, that’s immediately noticeable.

Many quotes from the series are already becoming memes. In the fictional country of Gilead, they communicate like this:

“Praise be!”—a greeting accepted in society;

“May the Lord open!”—a response to the greeting;

“Under His Eye!”—a double-entendre phrase, implying a divine component and vulnerability to Eye agents;

“Blessed be the fruit!”—one of the variations of a greeting that glorifies the future child as the crown of creation and a divine gift to society;

“Gender traitor”—representative of LGBTQ+

Recommended for fans of social science fiction and those who enjoy contemplating the future, ready to tolerate the sameness of the plot and willing to sacrifice numerous hours of their invaluable time and life energy…

